News 2024

Advances in treating Parkinson’s

Dr Jeremy Stern, consultant neurologist, will be talking about advances in treating Parkinson’s disease at an online event on Tuesday, 30 July from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm.

‘Advances in treating Dr Parkinson’s disease‘ is an online NHS Frimley Health Foundation Trust health event. Please click here to register for the event. 

Singing App for Parkinson’s just launched

In partnership with Arts Council England, Britten Pears Arts, Trinity Laban and Sing to Beat, MediSing has developed their first prototype singing app – SingApp:Parkinson’s. The app is uniquely co-created with and for people living with Parkinson’s.

The app is now available and can be purchased for £7.99 from the Apple store at ​or Google Play depending on your device.

For details about Parkinsong Voice classes click here

Oxygen Therapy

The Samson Centre in Guildford is a charity that has been providing Baric Oxygen Therapy (BOT) for Multiple Sclerosis patients for many years in Guildford. Some people find it helps relieve certain MS symptoms such as bladder problems and fatigue. 

The charity has kindly offered members of our branch to come and use their BOT facilities to help treat some Parkinson’s symptoms. For details click here. Some studies suggest improvement in depression and anxiety caused by Parkinson’s. For more details and early user experiences please see an article in the May 2024 edition of The Park.

100 Club Subscription renewals

The majority of individuals who participate in our 100 Club make their subscription payment for the numbers they have on an annual basis, in advance.  They either make a bank transfer payment or have set up an annual  Standing Order payment for the amount due.  Our Treasurer will remind 100 Club members just before their anniversary to ensure they remember their annual subscription is due.

For full details of How to become a member of the 100 Club and participate click here

Medications supply shortage – you can help

If you are experiencing problems with the supply of your Parkinson’s medications then you may be interested to know that Parkinson’s UK is attempting to persuade the Government to take action to resolve the issues. But your help is needed because Members of Parliament only respond to their constituents.

So you can help by writing to your MP to ask them to raise a question in Parliament about the shortage of Parkinson’s Medications. If you would like a quick and easy template of such a letter with sections for you to personalise as appropriate, then please download this document and personalise it as appropriate.

You can either contact your MP by post to:
your MP’s name
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA

or via email:

If you aren’t sure who your MP is please see the following link to check.

If you hear back from your MP please would you let us know by email: ( ) so that we can keep Parkinson’s UK informed.

New activities for you

Seated Yoga

A 6 week course of a Seated Yoga class will run from September – dates tbc. The classes will be led by Lindsey Brown who gave members a taster session at a Shalford Village Hall meeting last year. Lindsey is going to give another taster class at the Tuesday afternoon social meeting at Shalford Village Hall on 24 September.

The classes will be at the Conservative Club, 2nd Floor (there is a lift), 11 Wharf St, Godalming GU7 1NN.

The full cost per attendee for the 6 week block will be £39.00 per member, which includes a Branch subsidy of £27.00.

The £39.00 is payable directly to Lindsey. If you are interested please contact Lindsey at

Dates for your Diary

20 July 2024 – Family friendly Summer Picnic

Clare & John Price kindly invite Branch Members and their wider families, neighbours and grandchildren to a Summer Picnic on Saturday 20 July 2024, from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm, at Great Halfpenny Farm, Halfpenny Lane, Guildford GU4 8PY.   For more details click here.

A reminder…

27 February 2024

The minutes of the 2024 Branch AGM, held at Shalford Village Hall on 27 February 2024, are available here.