
The cost of running the Branch has to be fully funded by our own fundraising activities. Although we are part of Parkinson’s UK, we get no financial support from them. Fundraising is therefore vital to be able ensure our Branch has sufficient finances to provide the range of support that is so valued by our members (detailed elsewhere on this website).

Fundraising activities could be such as supermarket collections, car boot sales, dedicated stalls at various events, quizzes, a 200 Club, applying for grants, etc. It could also be a specific event such as a long-distance walk, cycle ride or similar where people sponsor an individual to participate and the funds generated are for the charity’s benefit.

If you are able to run, help or support any of these events and activities, offer prizes for organised events, help on collection days at supermarkets, etc. it would be very much appreciated. We will support anyone organising an event or collection with advice, help and equipment if needed.

If you are considering running any fundraising event for us, please remember to do a ‘risk assessment’ and consider ‘insurance cover’. Whilst not something most of us think about, it is best to be prepared for these things. Please contact our Treasurer in advance for advice on this matter. Depending on the type of fundraiser, we may be able to cover the event under Parkinson’s UK public liability insurance.

Individuals who wish to raise funds for Parkinson’s should be clear from the start whether they wish to raise funds for:

  • Parkinson’s Guildford and South Surrey Branch, or
  • The national Parkinson’s UK charity, or
  • Both

If you are organising, or participating in, an event for Parkinson’s please contact our Interim Branch Fundraising assistant , Valerie Box, via our online contact form here

Just Giving

If you are thinking of organising a fundraiser on Just Giving or similar platforms and would like the funds to go to the Guildford & South Surrey Branch, please specify this when setting up the platform with Parkinson’s UK.

This is a great way for you to support the Guildford and South Surrey Parkinson’s Branch (the Branch) whilst having a bit of a flutter! 

Our 100 Club

This is a great way for you to support the Guildford and South Surrey Parkinson’s Branch (the Branch) whilst having a bit of a flutter!

Here’s how it works…

  1. To participate you must be a member of the 100 Club.
  2. Each 100 Club member will be able to subscribe for as many numbers as they wish for £1.00 per number, per month.
  3. Payment for each number must be made in advance (see later for how to pay).
  4. Once a month, usually at the time of the Branch Monthly Social Meeting (the afternoon of the last Tuesday in the month) there will be a draw from all the numbers bought by 100 Club members, with 3 numbers drawn winning a cash prize as follows:
    • The prize for the first number drawn will be £60
    • The prize for the second number drawn will be £20
    • The prize for the third number drawn will be £10
  1. If you win, a cheque will be posted to your home address and the name of the winners published in the Branch’s monthly email newsletter.  Alternatively, if you wish we can transfer any winning amount to your personal bank account.  
  2. The remaining monies in the 100 Club for that month go into the Branch to fund the various social and other activities we provide or subsidise.

For full details of How to become a member of the 100 Club and participate click here

Treasurer Steve Heron, email:

Parkinson’s UK:

Regional Fundraiser Katherine Dennis. Email: ; tel: 020 7963 3844 or 07815 607459.