Although the Branch is part of the main Parkinson’s UK Charity and carries the same charity number, we are totally responsible for raising the funds we need to help & support people affected by Parkinson’s in the Guildford and South Surrey Area.
Donations to the Branch are always welcome and will be put to good use for the benefit of those people affected by Parkinson’s in our area, including their families and carers.
If you, or a group you are a member of, wish to make a donation to the Guildford and South Surrey Branch of Parkinson’s UK, then please contact our contact our Treasurer Steve Heron via our online form.
If you are an individual and are paying tax, also consider Gift Aid.
Completing a Gift Aid declaration to accompany your donation means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, and it does not cost you any extra.
There is a downloadable Gift Aid declaration form. Once completed you should send this to our Treasurer along with your cheque (made payable to “Parkinson’s Disease Society Guildford”). You only need to complete the declaration once, and then any future donations to us over the next 4 years will be covered for Gift Aid.
You can make your donation by bank transfer directly into our Branch bank account, please contact our Treasurer for details. Please remember to also complete a Gift Aid declaration form and send that to the Treasurer along with a note saying how much you have donated. Details of where to send the Gift Aid declaration form are available from the Treasurer Steve Heron.
To contact our Treasurer via our online form please click here