Parkinsong Voice classes

Parkinsong Voices has moved to a new venue, Busbridge Village Hall, Brighton Rd, Godalming GU7 1XA and also to Tuesdays, instead of Fridays.

Next Term Dates:

Emily Bollon, Creative Director of Motivation by Music, will run the next ‘term’ of Parkinsong Voices from Tuesday 2 July to Tuesday 27 August.

The classes will start as usual at 11.45 am with Zoom participants asked to sign in slightly earlier to ensure they are set up.  The class dates are below: 

Week 1 Tuesday 2 July

Week 2 Tuesday 9 July

Week 3 Tuesday 16 July

Week 4 Tuesday 23 July

Week 5 Tuesday 30 July – meeting at Busbridge Church which is opposite the Village Hall (parking at Old Rectory Car Park)

Week 6 Tuesday 6 August

Week 7 Tuesday 13 August- meeting at Godalming United Church (Lammas Room)

Week 8 Tuesday 20 August – meeting at Godalming United Church (Hall)

Week 9 Tuesday 27 August – meeting at Godalming United Church (Hall)

This will be an 9 week term, and your fee for this coming term is £45.00. (£5.00 per class).  For those of you yet to pay, please do so ASAP.

These fees are non refundable, therefore if for any reason you miss one of the weekly classes there will be no refund.  Please remember the cost to the Branch is still the same whether you attend or not.  Please also note that the fee payment for carers supporting their partner is optional, they can attend for free if they wish.

These classes will continue to be both ‘in person’  and concurrently ‘online’ so others can participate from home. For those online members the same Zoom Meeting login details will continue:

Meeting ID: 834 3272 7048

Passcode: Parkinsong

We still have places – new members are always welcome, either online via Zoom, or in person.

Joining Parkinsong Voices helps you develop breath support for better vocal projection and less strain, use facial muscles to help you learn to breathe deeply, bring about more expression, and make new connections with other members of the branch.*

Motivation by Music release occasional special songs recorded by Parkinson Voices and their other choirs, featuring them on You Tube to fundraise for the Branch and other good causes.

The cost of participation is minimal as the Branch subsidises all who take part.

Members who join the choir pay the Branch directly to participate. These payments are in advance for each choir term (usually 9 weeks).

For more details on Parkinsong Voices Classes contact Emily Bollon via email

For more details of fees and how to pay them to the Branch, contact Steve Heron,

Singing App for Parkinson’s just launched

In partnership with Arts Council England, Britten Pears Arts, Trinity Laban and Sing to Beat, MediSing has developed their first prototype singing app – SingApp:Parkinson’s. The app is uniquely co-created with and for people living with Parkinson’s. The app can be purchased for £7.99 from the Apple store at ​or Google Play depending on your device.

    Please note that this activity is not organised by Parkinson’s UK (company number 00948776). Parkinson’s UK is not responsible for the activity and is not liable for any advice given or treatment received, or for any loss or damage incurred because of attending the activity.