
I’ve heard you have a monthly meeting in Shalford – can you tell me more about it?

All members and their partners, carers or family members are welcome to attend our monthly afternoon social meetings, which are held ‘in person’ on the last Tuesday of the month at Shalford Village Hall, Kings Road, Shalford, Guildford Surrey GU4 8BQ.

These meetings are free of charge to attend although the proceeds from our monthly raffle help to cover our costs of the hall hire and tea cake. These meetings allow you to meet new friends, learn from each other’s experiences and often hear a guest speaker whilst having light refreshments.

New members please note that we meet at the Upper Hall, (by the tennis courts) of Shalford Village Hall, to arrive from 1.45 pm to start the meeting at 2.00 pm.

For dates of upcoming meetings click here.