Tuesday afternoon social meetings

All members and their partners, carers, family members are welcome to attend these monthly social meetings.

These meetings are free of charge to attend although the proceeds from our raffle help to cover the cost of the hall hire as well as tea and cake.

They allow you to meet new friends, learn from each other’s experiences and often hear a guest speaker whilst having light refreshments.

These meetings are held ‘in person’ on the last Tuesday of the month at Shalford Village Hall, Kings Road, Shalford, Guildford Surrey GU4 8BQ.

New members please note that we meet at the Upper Hall (by the tennis courts) of Shalford Village Hall, to arrive from 1.45 pm to start the meeting at 2.00 pm.

Upcoming meetings, starting at 2.00 pm, are:

Tuesday 25 February – ‘AGM-like’ meeting with Parkinson’s-UK

Tuesday 25 March – tbc

Tuesday 29 April – tbc

Tuesday 27 May 2025 – ‘A is for Arsenic -The poisons of Agatha Christie’, Dr Kathryn Harkup

Meeting venue

Shalford Village Hall

Kings Road, Shalford

Guildford Surrey


We welcome your feedback

If you have attended our Tuesday afternoon meetings, we would welcome your feedback. Forms are available at the meetings for you to complete and hand in to your meeting organiser or any committee member. Alternatively, you can complete an online form by clicking here and emailing your completed form to us here.